Friday, July 23, 2010

Senior Pets Care

From the July Life's Abundance Newsletter:
" So, who qualifies as a senior pet? While there is no hard and fast rule, most veterinarians agree that a senior canine is one in the last third of his or her life expectancy. Keep in mind that smaller breeds tend to live longer, meaning that they become seniors later in life than large or giant breeds. For example, the expected lifetime of Miniature Poodles is 18 years; therefore, they are designated as seniors at age 12. In contrast, the typical life expectancy of a Great Dane is around nine years, so they are considered seniors at age six! In general, cats begin to experience age-related physical changes from seven to ten years of age."
"Courtesy of Life's Abundance" Dr. Sarah

Senior pets and Caring for them:
Some tips in this video:

As we age we have to adjust our lifestyle and so do our pets
Senior pets need complete and balanced diet
Feed a high quality diet as they have higher nutritional needs 
Give a nutritional supplement
Schedule regular veterinarian visits (pets age more quickly so senior pets should see the vet more often) 2 check ups a year for seniors; so you can catch any issues early

Cats hide issues very easily so check- ups are a must

Monitor pets for change: increase drinking, increase in urination, inappropriate urination
Overly dry or running stools

Weight gain or loss
Change in appetite

Your vet may help you sort with normal aging and not
Dental care is important

This video is great, please watch the whole presentation!

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