Saturday, April 26, 2014

Video - Annual Exams for your Pets

Courtesy of Life's Abundance Newsletter for April 2014

Preventative care for our companion animals means more than just vaccinations.

Dr. Sarah goes over veterinarian annual exams and the detail it can include.
There are also semi-annual exams depending on the age of your animal.

Some of the points in this video that you and your veterinarian will discuss: -

- Does vaccination have to be given every year? -
- Has anything changed with your god and or cat? Eating, drinking, mobility, going to the bathroom etc.

The exam itself includes - Tip of the nose to tail exam!

So much goes into the exam to determine if anything might be going on.

Early detection of something now could be better than dealing with it when the issue has caused pain or problems later.

This video is amazing to see what an
exam covers on your animal!

Saturday, April 5, 2014

Bully Sticks for dogs

Wow - Seems these are a favorite among all types of canines: Buffalo Pizzle - better known as Bully Sticks

SO happy to share Life's Abundance Buffalo Bully Sticks click here:

bully sticks 9 inch
Buffalo Bully Sticks: Pack of Four - 9 inch sticks

Made from free-range, grass-fed buffalo, these wholesome dog treats:

Help reduce tartar and maintain canine dental health Supply a leaner alternative to beef
Are suitable for dogs with food sensitivities.
Contain no additives or preservatives Provide a rewarding chewing experience

Buffalo Bully Sticks: Pack of  Six - 6 inch sticks

Thursday, March 27, 2014


Courtesy of Life's Abundance and the March 2014 Blog


Dr. Sarah goes over in this video the very dangerous disease Parvo:
Where it attacks
How it attacks
How contagious it is
Signs of the infection
What blood test to run from your Veterinarian
The supportive treatment 
There is a vaccination that is considered very important

Don't miss this information!

Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Cat, Dog, Human: Heart Disease

How wonderful to have Dr. Jane Bicks - important article regarding Heart Disease:
a must read!

Courtesy of Life's Abundance and the January 2014 Newsletter:

Heart Health Awareness Month is right around the corner, beginning February 1st. While technically concerned with human heart health, I think it’s vital that we expand the scope of the conversation to address canine and feline heart health, too.

Most people have a basic understanding of the risks of heart disease in humans, but when it comes to the heart health of our pet kids, that area remains a mystery to many. In the following seven frequently-asked questions, we’ll consider the parallels between all three species (humans, canines and felines), to better understand heart disease.

How Widespread is Heart Disease?

Humans: In America, heart disease is the #1 cause of death. Annually, about 600,000 people die of heart disease, one in every four deaths.

Dogs and Cats: Although reliable statistics are not readily available for adult felines or canines, heart disease is not the pressing problem that it is for humans. That being said, heart problems are still common, with one in ten dogs developing valvular heart disease. As with many health issues, the risk for heart disease increases with age, especially for dogs over the age of nine (the age varies from breed to breed).

When it comes to cats, tracking heart disease proves extremely challenging, as felines present virtually no physical symptoms from this condition.

What’s the Most Common Form of Heart Disease?

Humans: In adults, coronary artery disease is the most prevalent kind of heart disease. The main type involves plaque build-up in the arteries, which affects their ability to deliver blood to the heart. As the layers of plaque thicken and harden, blood flow to the heart is further restricted.

Dogs and Cats: The biggest difference here is that pet kids are not at-risk for coronary artery disease. While that’s good news, there are other medical conditions that dogs and cats face. Dogs can suffer from mitral valve disease or dilated cardiomyopathy (DCM). Mitral valve disease describes a condition where a valve on the left side of the heart fails to close properly. The problem with this is that blood pools into the left atrium, rather than exiting the left ventricle. Older, small-breed dogs are more likely to develop mitral valve disease, and the condition is only worsened by periodontal disease. DCM weakens the heart muscle so that it pumps less vigorously and regularly, a condition more common in large breeds.

Cats, on the other hand, are prone to hypertrophic cardiomyopathy (HCM). Here, the walls of the heart thicken and the muscle becomes less flexible. The unfortunate result is that the heart pumps less blood. HCM is a genetic disease that is found in both pure and mixed breed cats.

What are the Symptoms of Heart Disease?

Humans: Symptoms vary depending on the disease, but patients with coronary artery disease often have chest pain, arm pain and shallow breathing. And, of course, there’s the big wake-up call of a heart attack.

Dogs and Cats: Dogs typically exhibit signs such as low energy, trouble getting comfortable, labored breathing and a low-pitched, chronic cough. On occasion, they might actually collapse or faint.

Cats may also become lethargic, as well as sleeping or hiding more than is typical. Often, cats will also lose their appetite. If a blood clot is swept from the heart and travels down through the aorta, felines can suffer a painful, sudden paralysis in their hind legs. Important note:

If you experience any of these symptoms, seek medical assistance immediately. And, if your companion animal experiences any of these symptoms, seek veterinary assistance immediately.

How Do You Test for Heart Disease?

Humans: Doctors can choose from a variety of diagnostic testing, including blood exams, treadmill tests, electrocardiograms and imaging analyses.

Dogs and Cats: For veterinarians, a stethoscope is the most effective way to identify heart disease. That being said, it is difficult to detect an issue absent a murmur. Sometimes an x-ray, ECG or echocardiogram may shed light on an undiagnosed problem.

What Medications are used for Treatment?

Humans: If you were to be diagnosed with heart disease, doctors might prescribe a blood-pressure medication, a blood thinner or a cholesterol-lowering drug (among other things). Patients often use medications to make the heart beat more slowly and to relax blood vessels.

Dogs and Cats: Many of the drugs we use are also used by dogs and cats. Treatments vary according to the animal and kind of heart disease. The important thing to note is that there are treatments available, and new research is presenting new avenues for improvement.

Can Diet Help to Prevent Heart Disease?

Humans: Diet has a big influence on heart health. Eating foods heavy with saturated and trans-fats can raise cholesterol levels and contribute to plaque build-up in the arteries. Conversely, a diet rich in omega fatty acids, whole grains and fiber can help to lower bad cholesterol levels and help prevent heart disease.

Dogs and Cats: A healthy diet has not been proven to significantly alter the rates of canine and feline heart disease … however much more research has been done on humans in this regard. It’s hard to overstate the importance of quality food and your companion animal’s quality of life.

What About Exercise?

Humans: Yes, definitely! Exercise lowers the risk of heart attack and reduces stress, another risk factor for heart disease.

Dogs and Cats: The kinds of heart disease commonly found in cats and dogs can't be avoided through exercise. But, as with people, regular exercise will improve overall health and help prevent obesity in pets. And don’t forget what researchers, healing experts and therapy animals have been demonstrating for decades … that by taking care of a dog or a cat, you’ll also be taking care of your heart.

Thank you for all you do to make the world a better place for companion animals.
Dr. Jane Bicks

Fun, Winter Fun with your dog!

Another great video by Dr. Sarah courtesy of Life's Abundance and the January 2014 Newsletter:

Summer isn't the only season it can be dangerous to leave your pup in the car.
Since snow can cover scent - always keep an extra eye on him/her as they may not be able to "smell" their way back.

A canine coat might be a great idea as well as boots

Be careful when your dog wants to roll around in that snow b/c glass or other dangerous thing could be under that snow you can't see.

A dry winter air means always have clean fresh water water and so much more!
Watch Now!!

Friday, December 27, 2013

Pet Weight Loss Tips

Courtesey of Life's Abundance Thank you Dr. Sarah for this video from the Life's Abundance Blog for December:
Fight against obesity:
Meal portions
Feeding guidelines are just guidelines
All metabolisms are different so consult with your Vet specific for your pet. and so much more!!

Mention of Life's Abundance weight loss food for dogs

Saturday, November 23, 2013

Holiday Gift Baskets from Life's Abundance

2013 Life's Abundance Dog & Cat Gift Baskets are Here!

Life's Abundance dog gift basket
Life's Abundance Dog Gift Basket

Complete with an assortment of our low-fat Wholesome Hearts, Gourmet Dental Treats, Antioxidant Health Bars and a bag of Tasty Rewards, that special dog in your life will thank you for months to come. As an added bonus, we’ve included a can of our Turkey & Shrimp Breakfast and a can of our Chicken & Crab Dinner. These cheerful baskets also come with a plush, squeak toy. Everything is neatly- bundled in a decorative and reusable holiday basket. Retail Value is $32.00. CLICK HERE
 Only $19.95

Life's Abundance Cat gift basket
Life's Abundance Cat Gift Basket

Complete with an assortment of toys, a bag of Gourmet Cat Treats, these holiday baskets are a great way to show that special cat in your life just how much you care. As an added bonus this year, we’ve also included a can of Instinctive Choice and a bottle of our Wellness Food Supplements to keep your cat healthy and happy! Everything is neatly- wrapped in a festive and reusable holiday basket. Retail Value is $21.00. (Basket pattern and toys may vary.) CLICK HERE
Only $14.95

Thursday, October 31, 2013

Jerky Treat Alternative

We posted on our Facebook page ( the recent article and information about the China made jerky treats from the FDA, The Food and Drug Administration

You can also view a pdf here

Life’s Abundance offers a safe, USA-made alternative - Tasty Rewards Nutritional Training Treats, created using only nine wholesome ingredients.

Made in California, this delectable jerky-style treat features New Zealand-raised lamb, chicken, ground brown rice and vitamin B12.

And, just like all of our products, this formula includes zero artificial preservatives or artificial colors. It’s all part of our commitment to ensure that every kibble, treat and supplement fed to your companion animal is healthy, safe and of premium quality.

Click here for more information

Off Leash Training by Dr. Sarah

Courtesy of Life's Abundance and their October 2013 Newsletter, Dr Sarah shares off leash training:

 An awesome video explaining different breeds and their instincts.

Where to begin

The major commands your dog must know before even starting

You might need a professional trainer to assist with the individuality of your canine
 and so much more

 Watch this video !

Or click below

Moving Tips for your pets

This article is from Dr. Jane Bicks, Life's Abundance Blog October 2013: It is an excellent article and contains awesome tips for you and your pets for a smooth transition as possible to a new place.
Moving to a new residence can be a nerve-wracking event for everyone involved. With the average American moving 11-14 times, that’s a lot of trips to ‘Stressville’. Between sorting through your possessions, packing up boxes, traveling to the new location, switching utilities and all of the other steps that go into a move, it’s easy to become frazzled at the mere prospect of all that work. Coordinating all of these elements can prove challenging even for folks with a knack for organization. Moving with a companion animal adds an extra layer of complexity. Whatever stress you experience on moving day goes double for companion animals, who have no idea what to expect from the commotion of a move. But, with some strategic planning and a little bit of elbow grease, you can make the transition easier on yourself and your companion animals.


Make sure your dog or cat wears ID tags at all times, because the likelihood of pet kids becoming separated from their people goes up dramatically during a move. If you maintain registry with a national microchip agency, be sure to update your contact information. Once you’ve moved, call your veterinary office to update your address and phone number. Did you know that a rabies tag includes the contact information for your vet’s office? It’s a built-in safeguard if your pet kid ever becomes lost, so make certain your veterinarian has your most up-to-date contact information. Call your local animal regulatory office and/or homeowner’s association to learn of any rules or legislation regarding companion animals in your new neighborhood.


 Moving a family dog is pretty simple. Keep your dog on a leash, buckle his car harness and drive him to his new digs. If your new place features a fenced yard, show him the locations of his food, water, bedding and kennel [if your dog spends part of his day outdoors]. The new sights and smells will likely keep them occupied for hours. If there’s any anxiety, consider using a calming herbal supplement. Aside from canines with compulsive disorders, most adapt to new routines relatively quickly.


Cat Relocating cats can prove a bit more complicated. Cats not only bond to their people but they bond to their territory as well. As many outdoor cats are free-roaming, it can be difficult to get them to stick around long enough to establish a new territory. There are many stories of cats ending up back at their old addresses after a short-distance move, and other heartbreaking stories of cats being lost forever after a long-distance move. To keep your cat safe before, during and after a move, confinement to a secure space is required. Before the move, keep your kitty in an empty, climate-controlled room. The room should include a litterbox, bedding, food, water, toys and a scratching post (clawing is a fantastic stress reliever). Post a sign on the door, letting movers know the room has been cleared and that it should remain closed at all times. When transporting him to your new home, I strongly advise using a portable crate. If your cat is apprehensive about car travel, only going for rides to see the veterinarian, lightly spray the carrier with a feline-hormone spray that reduces stress.

Put something inside the kennel that reminds them of home, such as a favorite toy or a pillowcase that smells like you. Even if you are staying at a hotel, you should not let your cat out of the carrier - even if your kitty complains, it’s necessary to keep your cat safe, as frightened cats are likely to dart. Keep the carrier partially covered with a towel or sheet so it feels like a den. Once you’ve reached your destination, set aside a room (such as a bedroom or bathroom) to serve as a transition area. This simple step will help your kitty become acclimated to your new home. In these instances, the best medicine is time … giving your cat the personal space to settle in. Visit occasionally while you unpack, providing food, water and treats. If there’s a window, consider setting up a perch, which will give your kitty a view to his new world. Do not let your cat out until the movers are gone, the furniture is arranged and you can keep an eye on your furry friend as he explores the rest of the home.

If you would prefer not to confine your cat to a safe room, consider boarding your cat during the move. For his protection, staying at an extended-care spa or a vet’s office offers a comfortable, caring solution (also good for dogs, too). If you’ve ever considered training an outdoor cat to become an indoor-only cat, moving is a great opportunity to do just that! Short distance moves within the same neighborhood can actually prove more problematic for cats than moving to a completely new area. If your kitty knows he’s near his marked territory, he might drive you bonkers trying to convince you to let him out. In a new neighborhood, however, your cat has no established turf, so he should be less likely to prowl-yowl. If you still want to allow your cat outdoors but have concerns for his health and safety, consider investing in a harness and leash.

I hope that you’ll find these tips helpful, and wish you and your pet kids a safe move and a future of happiness in your new home.

Thank you for all you do to make the world a better place for companion animals. 

Dr Jane Bicks

Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Canine Influenza By Dr. Sarah

Canine Influenza Courtesy of Life's Abundance and Dr.Sarah, staff Veterinarian
Some things Dr. Sarah covers:
How it got started
what you can do
 a vaccine is available and much more!

Dr. Jane: Awesome tips for you and the pet sitter

From the Life's Abundance September 2013 Newsletter:
From Dr. Jane Bicks:

Pet Sitting Tips:
1. Make sure that the pet sitter you hire is bonded and insured. Ask if they have any certifications relevant to sitting. And don’t be afraid to ask for references. A big plus is if they are current members of a pet-sitting organization.

2. Try to make reservations as far in advance as possible. Some of the best sitters book up months in advance, so plan ahead to ensure the best care for your pet kid.

3. Gather everything needed to care for your pet in one easily accessible area. Supplies could include food, treats, food and water bowls, medications, a leash, a can opener, toys, garbage bags, litter and scoop, a dustpan, a broom, a watering can for plants, etc. Be sure to leave your supply well-stocked on the off-chance your return is delayed.

4. Clean out the refrigerator and empty the garbage before leaving the house, to help avoid food spoilage and to remove all temptation from your dog to go excavating. Pre-program the thermostat before you leave and give specific instructions for the sitter about an acceptable temperature range. Remember – an unventilated home can become very hot, very quickly.

5. Notify your veterinarian in writing that a pet sitter will be caring for your pet. Pre-authorize the sitter to provide emergency medical and/or surgical care during your absence, should a crisis arise.

6. If you plan to leave a gift for your sitter, i.e. garden produce, candy or a tip, leave a note of explanation. As a group, pet sitters pride themselves on honesty - if you don’t make it explicit that the gift is for them, they usually will not take it.

7. Communication is key to a successful pet-sitting experience. By-and-large, pet sitters want to learn as much as possible about your pets. They want to know about their health, habits, routine and how they might react to certain situations. In addition to exchanging contact information, they also want to know detailed information, such as if the toilet tends to run, if other people will be checking on your pet and veterinary contact information. Specific information helps a sitter to do their job to the best of their abilities.

Here are some examples of unclear and clear communication to help you know what level of detail you should share with your pet sitter:

Unclear: Feed twice daily, fill the bowl half-way.
Clearer: Feed 1 cup of Life’s Abundance kibble in the morning and 1 cup in the evening. Food is located in the pantry off the stairs, and the bowl should remain by the back door.

Unclear: Pills in the morning and evening.
Clearer: Willy gets 1 tablet (0.4 mg) levothyroxine in the morning and in the evening with food. Willy and Starfox each get one tablet of Life’s Abundance Skin & Coat Supplement once daily in the morning. Pills are on the counter next to the kitchen sink. Willy and Starfox will eat the Skin and Coat supplement, but you have to hide the levothyroxine for Willy in a piece of cheese. Starfox will eat the medication if Willy drops it, so make sure Starfox is in a different room when you give Willy his medication.

Unclear: Feed dogs separately.
Clearer: Starfox eats his food more quickly than Willy, and then tends to bully Willy away from his food. This has resulted in a couple of aggressive acts, but that’s rare. Feed Starfox in the living room and Willy in the kitchen. Be sure to keep them separated until they’ve both finished their meals. It generally takes Willy 20 minutes to finish his food. Each dog may have one dental treat after they finish their meals. Willy prefers to have his cookies broken in halves.

This information should be kept in the same area as all the supplies. Save everything in a computer file and you won’t have to duplicate the task every time you hire a sitter. Providing the right information, with all pertinent details, not only makes your sitter’s job easier, but keeps your pets happier and safer, which is the common goal we all share!
Thank you for all you do to make the world a better place for companion animals. Dr Jane Bicks Dr. Jane Bicks

Saturday, September 28, 2013

New Life's Abundance Puppy Food for Small and Medium Breeds

Life's Abundance has now a formula for small and medium breeds:

Life's Abundance Puppy food for small/medium breeds
Life's Abundance Puppy Food
for Small and Medium Breeds
Life’s Abundance Premium Health Food For Small & Medium Breed Puppies contains a precise balance of proteins, fats and other nutrients to support a puppy’s high energy level and foster healthy development.
The Ingredients in this food were carefully chosen for their individual nutrients, which work together to provide a comprehensive and perfectly balanced meal to help your puppy grow and thrive.

We cultivate long-term relationships with our suppliers to make sure we obtain the highest quality ingredients and we've made it our mission to provide companion animals with exactly what they need to help ensure a lifetime of good health.

Thursday, August 15, 2013

Pet Food Recall

P&G Voluntarily Recalls Limited Quantity of Dry Pet Food Due to Possible Health Risk

Please click below for the FDA page


Jason Taylor

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE - August 14, 2013 - The Procter & Gamble Company (P&G) has voluntarily recalled specific lots of dry pet food because they have the potential to be contaminated with Salmonella. These lots were distributed in the United States and represent roughly one-tenth of one percent (0.1%) of annual production. No Salmonella-related illnesses have been reported to date in association with these product lots.
Salmonella can affect animals eating the products and there is risk to humans from handling contaminated pet products, especially if they have not thoroughly washed their hands after having contact with the products or any surfaces exposed to these products.
Healthy people infected with Salmonella should monitor themselves for some or all of the following symptoms: nausea, vomiting, diarrhea or bloody diarrhea, abdominal cramping and fever. Rarely, Salmonella can result in more serious ailments, including arterial infections, endocarditis, arthritis, muscle pain, eye irritation, and urinary tract symptoms. Consumers exhibiting these signs after having contact with this product should contact their healthcare providers.
Pets with Salmonella infections may be lethargic and have diarrhea or bloody diarrhea, fever, and vomiting. Some pets will have only decreased appetite, fever and abdominal pain. Infected but otherwise healthy pets can be carriers and infect other animals or humans. If your pet has consumed the recalled product and has these symptoms, please contact your veterinarian.
This issue is limited to the specific dry pet food lot codes listed below. This affects roughly one-tenth of one percent (0.1%) of total annual production. The affected product was distributed to select retailers across the United States. These products were made during a 10 day window at a single manufacturing site. P&G’s routine testing determined that some products made during this timeframe have the potential for Salmonella contamination. As a precautionary measure, P&G is recalling the potentially impacted products made during this timeframe. No other dry dog food, dry cat food, dog or cat canned wet food, biscuits/treats or supplements are affected by this announcement.
P&G is retrieving these products as a precautionary measure. Consumers who purchased a product listed below should stop using the product and discard it and contact P&G toll-free at 800-208-0172 (Monday – Friday, 9:00 AM to 6:00 PM EST), or via website at or Media Contact: Jason Taylor 513-622-1111.
Products affected by this announcement:
DescriptionSizeLot CodeUPC CodeBest-by Date
Eukanuba Dog Food Base Large Breed Mature Adult15 LB31874177190142701566Nov14
30 LB31874177190142703096Nov14
Eukanuba Dog Food Base Maintenance Mature Adult30 LB319541771901414930814Nov14
Eukanuba Dog Food Base Maintenance Puppy16.5 LB31884177190140422347Nov14
33 LB31884177190146094687Nov14
5 LB31884177190140398527Nov14
Eukanuba Dog Food Base Small Breed Adult16 LB31904177190140105169Nov14
4 LB31904177190140397229Nov14
Eukanuba Dog Food Base Small Breed Puppy16 LB319441771901401050913Nov14
4 LB31874177190140396786Nov14
40 LB31874177190140110706Nov14
Eukanuba Dog Food Breed Specific Boxer Adult36 LB319441771901401958813Nov14
Eukanuba Dog Food Breed Specific Chihuahua Adult4 LB31884177190146070377Nov14
Eukanuba Dog Food Breed Specific Labrador Retriever Adult36 LB319541771901401956414Nov14
Eukanuba Dog Food Premium Performance 30/20 Adult33 LB31884177190146094757Nov14
Eukanuba Dog Food Professional Feeding Bag Small Breed Puppy44 LB31874177190141131946Nov14
Eukanuba Dog Food Weight Control Large Breed Adult30 LB31894177190142693038Nov14
DescriptionSizeLot CodeUPC CodeBest-by Date
Iams Dog Food Healthy Naturals Chicken Adult13.3 LB31884177190146120177Nov14
2.9 LB319441771901470016513Nov14
25.7 LB31884177190147006467Nov14
5 LB31904177190146126359Nov14
Iams Dog Food Healthy Naturals Weight Control Adult13.3 LB31894177190146120248Nov14
Iams Dog Food Premium Protection Chicken Adult12.1 LB31894177190146113628Nov14
Iams Dog Food ProActive Health Large Breed Mature Adult30 LB31884177190146113317Nov14
Iams Dog Food ProActive Health Large Breed Senior Plus13.3 LB319341771901461200012Nov14
26.2 LB319341771901470061512Nov14
Iams Dog Food ProActive Health Large Chunks Adult15 LB319441771901461081513Nov14
Iams Dog Food ProActive Health Small Breed Adult13.3 LB31874177190146109906Nov14
3.1 LB31874177190147001106Nov14
5 LB31874177190146120556Nov14
Iams Dog Food ProActive Health Small Breed Puppy5 LB31904177190147009439Nov14
DescriptionSizeLot CodeUPC CodeBest-by Date
Iams Cat Food Healthy Naturals Chicken Adult16 LB31874177190146118816Nov14
5 LB31874177190146126976Nov14
Iams Cat Food Healthy Naturals Weight Control Adult5 LB31894177190146127038Nov14
Iams Cat Food ProActive Health Chicken Adult10.8 LB31864177190146120865Nov14
17.4 LB31864177190146118365Nov14
3.2 LB31904177190146126599Nov14
5.7 LB31864177190146124995Nov14
6.3 LB319441771901461162113Nov14
Iams Cat Food ProActive Health Chicken Kitten17.4 LB31904177190146118679Nov14
3.2 LB31904177190146126289Nov14
5.7 LB31904177190146125059Nov14
Iams Cat Food ProActive Health Digestive Care Adult16 LB31904177190146119049Nov14
3 LB31904177190147002029Nov14
5 LB31904177190146124519Nov14
Iams Cat Food ProActive Health Hairball Adult16 LB31874177190146119116Nov14
3.1 LB31884177190147002197Nov14
5 LB31874177190146124206Nov14
9.8 LB31894177190146121618Nov14
Iams Cat Food ProActive Health Hairball Mature Adult5 LB319541771901461260414Nov14
Iams Cat Food ProActive Health Weight Control & Hairball Adult16 LB31884177190146121477Nov14
2.9 LB319141771901470024010Nov14
5 LB31884177190146127897Nov14
5.5 LB319241771901461165211Nov14
9.8 LB31884177190146121307Nov14
Iams Cat Food ProActive Health Weight Control Adult16 LB31874177190146121786Nov14
5 LB31874177190146126806Nov14
9.8 LB31874177190146121236Nov14
Iams Cat Food Professional Feeding Bag Chicken Adult33 LB319141771901410545810Nov14

About Procter & Gamble
P&G serves approximately 4.8 billion people around the world with its brands. The Company has one of the strongest portfolios of trusted, quality, leadership brands, including Ace®, Always®, Ambi Pur®, Ariel®, Bounty®, Charmin®, Crest®, Dawn®, Downy®, Duracell®, Fairy®, Febreze®, Fusion®, Gain®, Gillette®, Head & Shoulders®, Iams®, Lenor®, Mach3®, Olay®, Oral-B®, Pampers®, Pantene®, Prestobarba®, SK-II®, Tide®, Vicks®, Wella® and Whisper®. The P&G community includes operations in approximately 70 countries worldwide. Please visit for the latest news and in-depth information about P&G and its brands.

Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Household items in a pet emergency by Dr. Sarah

Video is courtesy of Life's Abundance and the July 2013 Blog.
Thanks you Dr. Sarah for a great video about household items to use in a pet emergency.
Certain items to always have on hand and so much more - amazing!

It’s an unfortunate fact that our dogs and cats become sick and sustain injuries. And sometimes, getting to a vet quickly isn’t an option. Isn’t it comforting to know that you might be able to help simply by using items found in just about every home? Benefit from Dr. Sarah’s expertise as an emergency veterinary doctor, and watch this month’s episode of Pet Talk. You too can become a ‘Medical MacGyver’! Hopefully, you’ll learn something new that’ll help a companion animal in need until you can get to the vet.

If you’re a regular reader of our blog, you’ll know that we want you to be prepared. Being able to recognize an emergency situation as opposed from something that’ll ‘just pass’, is critical.

To make these vital decisions, we offer the following documents:
“Tips for Emergency Situations” and

“Recognize the Signs of Shock (Requires Immediate Vet Care)”
These are PDF’s to print for future use. Consider posting each page in a central location, like the refrigerator, for quick reference, should an emergency arise.

Friday, June 14, 2013

Life's Abundance Dog Supplements

Life's Abundance has been serving thousands of canines Life's Abundance premium dog food for years.

Since 1999, there has never been a recall on the food or any of the products.

Did you know Life's Abundance also makes supplements, treats and pet care?

Please click the link below to learn more about dog supplements:

Agility - Joint support formula

Skin & Coat - Skin & coat support

Wellness - Overall health

Friday, May 24, 2013

Watch Life's Abundance on the Discovery Channel May 24th

From the Life's Abundance May 2013 Blog:

A few months ago, a producer and film crew from 'The Profiles Series' visited our offices to conduct in-depth interviews with the Life’s Abundance staff. In addition to interviews with company principals, the crew spoke with customers about their experiences using our products and an expert in the pet-health industry provided his take on our extensive pet product line. And now, the documentary is scheduled to air … this Friday!

That’s right, on May 24th, Life’s Abundance will be featured on 'The Profiles Series' hosted by Larry King, an iconic and beloved talk show host. We could not be more thrilled that our company was chosen to appear in the upcoming episode of this show, and that someone of King’s caliber will be the one to introduce our products to a sizable national audience.

There’s no doubt that many of these viewers will be learning about Life’s Abundance for the first time. If you’ve never seen this new show, it’s an educational TV series that shares information about the world, revealing significant issues impacting lives and how to best prepare for the future. Each 30-minute program features modern innovations and business-engineered solutions, and is dedicated to uncovering stories that showcase the 'best and brightest' in various industries.

The theme of this half-hour episode is ‘Made in America’ and it will be broadcast on the Discovery Channel on May 24th at 7:00 a.m. EDT and PDT. Our five-minute segment will specifically address how we achieve our level of product safety. Also discussed are the 2007 pet food recall and the current recall-culture, where we continue to hear about one tainted product announcement after another.

This short documentary uncovers the steps we take to ensure consumer confidence, especially for pet parents seeking to provide the best for their companion animals. Be sure to check your local listings to confirm the correct day and time in your location (Mon-Fri 7-9 am and Sat 9-2 pm EDT & PDT). We encourage you to watch this televised event live and post your comments here on the company blog, to let us know what you think about our moment in the spotlight.

Friday, April 26, 2013

VIDEO: Parvo by Dr. Sarah

 "Courtesy of Life's Abundance"
Dr. Sarah of Life's Abundance goes over Parvo: a serious virus in canines If you haven't heard of it, please watch below for some signs, about the disease, where it attacks and more

This video is from the Life's Abundance April 2013 Newsletter.

Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Life's Abundance Dog Food Recall (Never)

Life's Abundance logo

Life's Abundance dog food and cat food and products HAVE NEVER BEEN RECALLED.

In business since 1999, the products have never been a part of a recall .

Another recent recall in the last few weeks with dog food and cat food due to salmonella.

Please watch Dr. Sarah below in the video Safety is a Primary Objective to learn more about
the care that goes into the products and safety.

For more information and videos about the products and company, click here

Friday, March 29, 2013

Pet Oral Health Video

 "Courtesy of Life's Abundance"
Thank you Dr. Sarah for this great video on your pet's oral health.
From the Life's Abundance March 2013 Newsletter.
"Courtesy of Life's Abundance"

Friday, March 1, 2013

Dog darting out the door

"Courtesy of Life's Abundance"
From the Life's Abundance Newsletter: Is your dog darting out the door when you leave?
Watch this video as Dr. Sarah gives some great ideas to prevent it and deal with it if your dog does manage to get out.
"Courtesy of Life's Abundance"

Friday, February 22, 2013

Recall: Pet Food from The Honest Kitchen

The Honest Kitchen® Voluntarily Recalls Limited Lots Of Verve®, Zeal®And Thrive® Products Due To Possible Health Risk


Lucy Postins
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE - February 21, 2013 - The Honest Kitchen today announced that it is voluntarily recalling five lots of its Verve, Zeal and Thrive pet food products produced between August and November 2012 and sold nationwide in the US and Canada via retail stores, mail order and online after August 2012 because they have the potential to be contaminated with Salmonella. No other Honest Kitchen batches, production dates or products are affected.

Healthy people infected with Salmonella should monitor themselves for some or all of the following symptoms: nausea, vomiting, diarrhea or bloody diarrhea, abdominal cramping and fever. Rarely, Salmonella can result in more serious ailments, including arterial infections, endocarditis, arthritis, muscle pain, eye irritation, and urinary tract symptoms. Consumers exhibiting these signs after having contact with this product should contact their healthcare providers.

Animals with Salmonella infections may be lethargic and have diarrhea or bloody diarrhea, fever, and vomiting. Some animals will have only decreased appetite, fever and abdominal pain. Infected but otherwise healthy animals can be carriers and infect other animals or humans. If your animals have consumed the recalled product and have these symptoms, please contact your veterinarian.

The Company is taking this action after learning that one of its raw ingredients suppliers has recalled a batch of human-grade parsley that may contain Salmonella. The batch of parsley was shipped to the Company in 2012 and used in the production of five lots of finished Honest Kitchen products.

The Honest Kitchen regularly tests for Salmonella and other pathogens as part of its quality control process and has not received to date any reports of illness associated with these lots of products. Nonetheless, the Company is proceeding with this action in order to ensure the full safety and quality of its products.

"We are committed to providing the highest-quality human-grade food available to our customers’ pets," said Lucy Postins, founder, CEO and CMO of The Honest Kitchen. "While our quality control tests did not find evidence of Salmonella in any of our finished products, we are accountable for everything we make, and are taking precautionary action to ensure the safety and integrity of our products."
The lots being recalled are:

Item CodeProduct NameProduction DateExpiration DateSizeLot Number
V4 + VRVERVE8/20/128/20/13
4 lb. box,
10 lb. box
2332A (batches 1-3)
VRVERVE11/1/1211/1/1310 lb. box3062A (batches 8 & 9)
TMTHRIVE9/18/129/18/131 oz. sample2622A (batch 3)
Z4 + ZRZEAL8/14/128/14/13
4 lb. box,
10 lb. box
2272A (batches 1–5)
ZRZEAL9/21/129/21/1310 lb. box2652A (batches 1–4)

Consumers who purchased the above lots of Honest Kitchen Verve, Zeal or Thrive products should stop feeding the products to their pets, remove the UPC (bar code) and lot code from the packaging, and discard the contents in a covered trash receptacle. Lot codes are located on the top of product boxes either adjacent to or opposite the UPC.

Consumers can receive a replacement or full refund of the MSRP of the affected products plus $1 to cover postage, by mailing the UPC and lot code along with a completed Reimbursement Form to The Honest Kitchen, 145 14th Street, San Diego, Calif. 92101, Attn: Reimbursements. All refunds will be processed within five business days (plus postage time).

The Honest Kitchen products use human-food grade ingredients. The Company’s products are made in a human food facility and held to the same high quality control standards as human food products. Employees taste products as part of the quality control and research & development processes.
To supplement its quality control processes while maintaining its commitment to gentle processing that protects natural nutrients, The Honest Kitchen is enacting additional procedures:
  • All dehydrated leafy greens will be steamed, to further protect against the possibility of Salmonella and other pathogens;
  • All leafy greens will receive a second test for pathogens after arrival at the Company’s manufacturing facility, in addition to the testing conducted internally by suppliers;
  • The Company has discontinued its relationship with the supplier who provided the parsley used in the production of the lots being recalled.
For questions or more information, contact The Honest Kitchen by phone at 1-866-437-9729 or email at Customer service representatives will be available Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. PST to respond to inquiries.


Thursday, February 21, 2013

Recall: Jerky Treats by Nutri-Vet

Nutri-Vet, LLC Recalls Nutri-Vet and Nutripet Chicken Jerky Products Because Of Possible
Salmonella Health Risk

 FDA page for recall is


201-854-6157 Ext. 162
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE - February 20, 2013 - Nutri-Vet, LLC. of Boise, ID is voluntarily recalling its Nutri-Vet and NutriPet Chicken Jerky Products because they may be contaminated with Salmonella. Salmonella can sicken animals that eat these products and humans are at risk for Salmonella poisoning from handling contaminated pet products, especially if they have not thoroughly washed their hands after having contact with the pet products or any surfaces exposed to these products.
Healthy people infected with Salmonella should monitor themselves for some or all of the following symptoms: nausea, vomiting, diarrhea or bloody diarrhea, abdominal cramping and fever. Rarely, Salmonella can result in more serious ailments, including arterial infections, endocarditis, arthritis, muscle pain, eye irritation, and urinary tract symptoms. Consumers exhibiting these symptoms after having contact with this product should contact their healthcare providers.

Pets with Salmonella infections may be lethargic and have diarrhea or bloody diarrhea, fever, and vomiting. Some pets will have only decreased appetite, fever and abdominal pain. Infected but otherwise healthy pets can be carriers and infect other animals or humans. If your pet has consumed the recalled product and has any of these signs, please contact your veterinarian.

Nutri-Vet is recalling the lot numbers below because the manufacturer of an ingredient used in the products below informed us of the possibility of Salmonella presence at the manufacturing facility, although no positive test results have been found on Nutri-Vet or NutriPet products to date.
The recalled Chicken Jerky Treats were distributed nationwide through online sales and in retail stores from April 2012 through February 2013 with Best By Dates ranging from April 20, 2014, through October 3, 2014.

The product comes in a clear plastic bag containing Chicken Jerky Treats as described below:
Item #DescriptionSizeUPC
76-0081NutriPet Natural Chicken Fillet Strips16oz76-0081 (No bar code)
50704Nutri-Vet K9 Natural Chicken Breast Treats for Joint Health5oz669125507049
50705Nutri-Vet K9 Natural Chicken Breast Treats for Joint Health15oz669125507056
50706Nutri-Vet K9 Natural Chicken Breast Treats for Glossy Coat5oz669125507063
50707Nutri-Vet K9 Natural Chicken Breast Treats for Glossy Coat15oz669125507070
50708Nutri-Vet K9 Natural Chicken Breast Treats for Stress and Anxiety5oz669125507087
50709Nutri-Vet K9 Natural Chicken Breast Treats for Stress and Anxiety15oz669125507094
50710Nutri-Vet K9 Natural Chicken Breast Treats for Fresh Breath5oz669125507100
50711Nutri-Vet K9 Natural Chicken Breast Treats for Fresh Breath15oz669125507117
50712Nutri-Vet K9 Natural Chicken Breast Treats for SENIOR Dogs5oz669125507124
50714Nutri-Vet K9 Natural Chicken Breast Treats for Healthy Digestion5oz669125507148
50716Nutri-Vet K9 Natural Chicken Breast Treats for Healthy Weight5oz669125507162
50701Nutri-Vet K9 Natural Chicken Breast Treats5oz669125507018
50702Nutri-Vet K9 Natural Chicken Breast Treats8oz669125507025
50703NNutri-Vet K9 Natural Chicken Breast Treats16oz669125507032
99044Nutri-Vet K9 Hip & Joint Chicken Breast Strips8oz669125990445

The United States based supplier has ceased the production and distribution of the ingredient supplied to Nutri-Vet while FDA and the manufacturer continue investigating as to the source of the potential contamination. No other products made by Nutri-Vet, LLC are included in the recall.
Consumers who have purchased Nutri-Vet and NutriPet Chicken Jerky Products are urged to stop feeding them to pets and return the product to the place of purchase for a full refund. Consumers with questions may contact Nutri-Vet at 1-877-729-8668 Monday thru Friday from 7am to 5pm MDT.

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Recall: Various jerky treats by Kasel

Kasel Associated Industries Recalls All Products Manufactured at its Denver, Colorado Facility from April 20, 2012 thru September 19, 2012 Because of Possible Salmonella Health Risk

 The FDA page for this recall is below


FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE - February 19, 2013 - Kasel Associated Industries of Denver, CO is voluntarily recalling ALL PRODUCTS MANUFACTURED AT ITS DENVER, COLORADO FACILITY FROM APRIL 20, 2012 THRU SEPTEMBER 19, 2012 due to possible Salmonella contamination. Salmonella can sicken animals that eat these products and humans are at risk for salmonella poisoning from handling contaminated pet products, especially if they have not thoroughly washed their hands after having contact with the pet products or any surfaces exposed to these products.

Healthy people infected with Salmonella should monitor themselves for some or all of the following symptoms: nausea, vomiting, diarrhea or bloody diarrhea, abdominal cramping and fever. Rarely, Salmonella can result in more serious ailments, including arterial infections, endocarditis, arthritis, muscle pain, eye irritation, and urinary tract symptoms. Consumers exhibiting these symptoms after having contact with this product should contact their healthcare providers.

Pets with Salmonella infections may be lethargic and have diarrhea or bloody diarrhea, fever, and vomiting. Some pets will have only decreased appetite, fever and abdominal pain. Infected but otherwise healthy pets can be carriers and infect other animals or humans. If your pet has consumed the recalled product and has any of these signs, please contact your veterinarian.

The recalled Products of Dog Treats were distributed nationwide through various retailers from April 20th to September 19th.

Kasel Industries is recalling Boots & Barkley, BIXBI, Nature’s Deli, Colorado Naturals, Petco, and Best Bully Stick items. Lot numbers as shown in 1 Year Best By Date Table and 2 Year Best By Date Table, which are attached.

Kasel Industries has not received any reports of illnesses to date in connection with these products.
No other products made by Kasel Associated Industries are included in the recall. Specifically no products with best by dates after the specified ranges are included in the recall.

Consumers who have purchased any listed products are urged to return them to the place of purchase for a full refund. Consumers with questions may contact Kasel Associated Industries at (800) 218-4417 Monday thru Friday from 7am to 5pm MDT.

2 Year Best By Date
UPC Lot/Best By Date
085239043165 Boots&Barkley American Beef Bully Stick 12" 20APR2014 DEN-03OCT2014 DEN
085239403495 Boots&Barkley American Smoked Beef Femur Bone 3" 20APR2014 DEN-03OCT2014 DEN
085239043103 Boots&Barkley American Flossie 6-8" 20APR2014 DEN-03OCT2014 DEN
085239403440 Boots&Barkley American Pig Ear Strips 8oz 20APR2014 DEN-03OCT2014 DEN
085239043202 Boots&Barkley American Chicken Stuffed Beef Femur Bone 6" 20APR2014 DEN-03OCT2014 DEN
085239043110 Boots&Barkley American Braided Bully Stick 5" 20APR2014 DEN-03OCT2014 DEN
085239043325 Boots&Barkley American Chicken Jerky 16oz 20APR2014 DEN-03OCT2014 DEN
085239043400 Boots&Barkley American Chicken Jerky 8oz 20APR2014 DEN-03OCT2014 DEN
490830400086 Boots&Barkley American Variety Pack 32oz 20APR2014 DEN-03OCT2014 DEN
647263899196 Boots&Barkley American Beef Ribs 2ct 20APR2014 DEN-03OCT2014 DEN
647263899172 Boots&Barkley American  Beef Knuckle 20APR2014 DEN-03OCT2014 DEN
647263899158 Boots&Barkley American Pig Ears 12ct 20APR2014 DEN-03OCT2014 DEN
647263899189 Boots&Barkley American Beef Bully Sticks 6ct 20APR2014 DEN-03OCT2014 DEN
647263899165 Boots&Barkley American Pork Femur 20APR2014 DEN-03OCT2014 DEN
681131857246 Roasted Pig Ear Dog Treats 28oz 04202014 DEN-10032014 DEN
800443092903 25 PK Natural Pig Ears 04202014 DEN-10032014 DEN
800443092910 12 PK Natural Pig Ears 04202014 DEN-10032014 DEN
800443092927 12 PK Smoked Pig Ears 04202014 DEN-10032014 DEN
800443092934 7 PK Natural Pig Ears 04202014 DEN-10032014 DEN
800443092941 7 PK Smoked Pig Ears 04202014 DEN-10032014 DEN
647263800291 16oz Chicken Chips 04202014 DEN-10032014 DEN
647263900151 16oz Salmon Jerky 04202014 DEN-10032014 DEN
647263800178 4oz Chicken Jerky 04202014 DEN-10032014 DEN
647263510176 4oz Lamb Jerky 04202014 DEN-10032014 DEN
647263900175 4 oz Salmon Jerky 04202014 DEN-10032014 DEN
647263801175 4oz Beef Jerky 04202014 DEN-10032014 DEN
647263800291 16oz Chicken Jerky 04202014 DEN-10032014 DEN
647263700157 16oz Pork Jerky 04202014 DEN-10032014 DEN
091037018021 BIXBI Skin & Coat Beef Liver Jerky 5oz 04202014 DEN-10032014 DEN
091037018045 BIXBI Skin & Coat Lamb Jerky 5oz 04202014 DEN-10032014 DEN
091037018007 BIXBI Skin & Coat Chicken Breast Jerky Treats 5oz 04202014 DEN-10032014 DEN
091037018069 BIXBI Skin & Coat Pork Jerky 5oz 04202014 DEN-10032014 DEN
091037018144 BIXBI Hip And Joint Pork Jerky 5oz 04202014 DEN-10032014 DEN
091037018120 BIXBI Hip And Joint Lamb Jerky 5oz 04202014 DEN-10032014 DEN
091037018083 BIXBI Hip And Joint Chicken Breast Jerky 5oz 04202014 DEN-10032014 DEN
091037018106 BIXBI Hip And Joint Beef Liver Jerky 5oz 04202014 DEN-10032014 DEN
Bulk TDBBS, Inc Buffalo Hearts Sliced 3 lbs 04202014 DEN-10032014 DEN
Bulk TDBBS, Inc Knee Caps 25 Ct 04202014 DEN-10032014 DEN
Unknown TDBBS, Inc Pork Jerky Strips 16oz 04202014 DEN-10032014 DEN
Unknown TDBBS, Inc Chicken Jerky 16oz 04202014 DEN-10032014 DEN
Unknown TDBBS, Inc Turkey Cubes 4.5oz 04202014 DEN-10032014 DEN
Bulk TDBBS, Inc Pig Snouts 25ct 04202014 DEN-10032014 DEN
Bulk TDBBS, Inc Beef Lobster Tails 1ct 04202014 DEN-10032014 DEN
Unknown TDBBS, Inc Turkey Jerky Sticks 6ct 04202014 DEN-10032014 DEN
Unknown TDBBS, Inc Hearts of Lamb 4oz 04202014 DEN-10032014 DEN
Unknown TDBBS, Inc Lamb Jerky 4oz 04202014 DEN-10032014 DEN

1 Year Best By Date
UPC Lot/Best By Date
647263800215 Nature's Deli Chicken Jerky 3lbs 04202013 DEN-10032013 DEN
647263800208 Nature's Deli Chicken Jerky 2.5lbs 04202013 DEN-10032013 DEN

Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Life's Abundance Puppy Food - New

With new science emerging about large breed puppies and their nutritional needs, Life's Abundance now has a new formula for them!

Life's Abundance premium health food for large breed puppies

Life’s Abundance Premium Health Food For Large Breed Puppies contains a precise balance of protein, calories, calcium and phosphorus to encourage healthy, controlled growth rates and aid in the development of strong teeth and bones. The Ingredients in this food were carefully chosen for their individual nutrients, which work together to provide a comprehensive and perfectly balanced meal to help your puppy grow and thrive. We cultivate long-term relationships with our suppliers to make sure we obtain the highest quality ingredients and we've made it our mission to provide companion animals with exactly what they need to help ensure a lifetime of good health.

Please click below for more information, ingredients, etc

We also have a brand new puppy pak specifically for a large breed puppy!

A great way to start the life of your new furry baby.  There are two sizes for you to choose from small or large.

Click for more information